Sunday, 27 February 2011


As our OTS has several musical changes and sounds, we thought it would be best to keep the voice overs short and simple, but long enough to further explain what the viewers are seeing on screen. 

"I still remember that night. The smell of my babies sweet clothes. That shot changed my life in a second. 
My guy took money from a man with no soul. My family paid the price."

"It's just business he said, we'll make it big. We made it all right. In this business, it's a one man game he said.
Apparently I wasn't that man. Everyone's expendable. They can rip your future away in a second."

"My mother. Faith. Children. Love. Security, For what? It took him 2 days to leave her. It took me a week to find her. Her heart. My heart. Stolen. Ripped. Dead. For what? 
Wherever he went, chaos followed. Now we were brought together. For what? Revenge."

I wanted the pieces of dialogue to be very short in order for them to be spoken slowly and clearly. This is to contrast the speed the stories unravel on the screen. If the voice overs were long and drawn out, it would force them to be spoken quicker, therefore creating too much of a fast and rushed pace for the OTS as a whole.

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